Firearm Sales
Pro Shop hours
DAILY | 10 am – 8 pm
PRO Shop

At Reloaderz NJ, our trained firearm sales associates are ready to help you find the perfect firearm from our vast and rotating selection of competitively priced guns. You can enhance your experience with a personalized gun-fitting session from one of our firearm concierges. In the rare event we don’t have the firearm you want, we also accept incoming transfers with prior communication with an associate. Please note that NJ law requires all out-of-state or online firearm purchases to be transferred through a dealer holding an FFL in New Jersey.
FFL Transfers
FFL TRANSFERS are ONLY processed Monday through Friday including; receiving, NICS input, disposition, etc.
Transfers are $0 for Members and $100 for non-members. In addition is the state mandated $15 NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) fee. All outgoing transfers are $100 plus the cost of shipping and handling. Customer must provide all proper packaging. If packaging is not provided, there will be an additional fee. There is NO WARRANTY on transferred firearms. We encourage you to check with Reloaderz NJ first to see if we can obtain a firearm for you at the same or close to the same price. A $25 storage fee will be charged for every seven (7) days any firearm is held after notification. All incoming transfers must come from a valid FFL.

6 per year included with Premier Membership
Incoming & Outgoing FFL Transfer Fee
- Complete a “Incoming FFL Transfer” form online. Have your place of purchase contact us via email ( to request our FFL and we will take it from there!
- Once the firearm is in our possession we will ensure it complies with all New Jersey State gun laws. If NJ compliance work needs to be completed you will be informed of the estimate before the start of the work.
- You will be required to complete the NICS background check and successfully complete a 4473. Make sure to bring your Firearm Purchaser Identification Card, valid drivers license, and if applicable your pistol permit. All addresses must match or we will not be able to complete the transfer.
- WE WILL CONTACT YOU WHEN YOUR TRANSFER IS READY FOR PICKUP. We appreciate your excitement and know the anticipation can be overwhelming however, please allow up to 48 hours from the time of delivery before inquiring on the status of your firearm.
Gunsmithing & Cleaning

At Reloaderz NJ, our skilled and friendly personnel are dedicated to providing exceptional service for all your gunsmith needs, with a state-of-the-art workshop equipped to handle rifles, handguns, and shotguns. Our highly trained gunsmith is available to assist you with any repairs or modifications you may need.
First Hour
$40 for each additional 30 minutes
$79NJ Magazine Capacity Compliance
Reloaderz NJ will ensure your magazines meet all NJ legal standards
$25 per magazineUltrasonic Cleaning
$65Ultrasonic Cleaning
Long gun
$85Hand Cleaning
$99Hand Cleaning
Long gun
$150Classic Gun Cleaning
Starting at $250Optics & Customization
Reloaderz NJ carries a wide variety of all major brands including SIG SAUER, Trijcon, EOtech, HOLOSON, and Burris. Reloaderz NJ is also capable of special ordering any other optic you may like.
Reloaderz NJ offers trigger customization for Glocks, Sig Sauer, H&K, Smith and Wesson, as well as most common handguns. Our extensive accessory inventory includes triggers from manufacturers like Zev Tech, Apex Triggers, and CMC. For those seeking customization for their tactical or concealed carry, look no further than Reloaderz NJ.
Don’t forget that Reloaderz NJ also carries a variety of safes and Tactical Walls products!
Optic Mount/Sight-In
Ammo included
$125Optic Mount/Sight-In
BYO Ammo